Fifty Four
"Um, Hi. My name's Des. Is Nina home?"
His scowl deepened. He took a step back, pushing the door to as he yelled out, "Nina!"
Nice to meet you too. I stood outside the double doors tapping my feet until Nina's head eventually appeared.
"Surprise." I acted liked she should be happy to see me.
Retro Farnham's head appeared above Nina's. "And who is Des?"
"Um... Dad, meet Des. Des, this is my Dad."
I nodded and faked a smile. "Nice to meet you."
"Des is my boyfriend."
I let my unshaken hand drop as the door flew open.
"Boyfriend?" demanded Nina's father. He looked at me like I had just dropped in his yard from outer space.
"Yes," replied Nina, her voice barely more than a whisper.
"Des Perrat." I added. There's nothing like a warm welcome.
Nina's father didn't even look at me. "This is your boyfriend."
I'm right here.
Nina nodded.
Rubber Farnham shook his head. He looked me up and down, then rubbed his chin.
I figured it was going to be a close call between running me off right now, or waiting until he had a weapon. I had little choice but to stand and wait while he made up his mind. I'm sure Nina was thinking the same thing. My whole plan lay in the balance and there was nothing I could do to swing it my way.
He let out a long sigh through billowing cheeks. I was pretty sure I could see the steam building behind his eyes. He shook his head again. "Does your mother know about this?" he demanded.
"No," replied Nina.
"Well she is going to..." his voice trailed away. He looked past me and up the driveway to where my car was parked. "That's your car?"
I nodded. That was it, in all it's untrimmed, dented and paint faded glory. I wasn't even going to get inside.
"Do you work?"
He was working through his checklist. I obviously have no money. I have virtually no potential for earning money. It was my turn to sigh. "I'm a cleaner."
Johnny's frown lifted. "Offices, shops, that sort of thing?"
I put my hands in my pockets. "Domestic."
"Yep." I hadn't even made it through the door. Well it was nice knowing you Nina.
She looked at me, giving me that 'do something' look, but what could I do? I guess I could spin some crap about my prospects, my dreams, all the stuff that would never happen to me, but to be honest, I just didn't feel the fight. This is me. I'm Des Perrat. I clean houses. I have a girlfriend and a bomby car. That's the way it is and I couldn't give a stuff if John Farnham wannabe thought that was unacceptable or not.
"And how old are you Des?"
The final nail in my coffin. I still didn't know how old Nina was. "Twenty six."I waited patiently, there was no hurry for the exceution to begin.
He grabbed my shoulder. "Perfect," he said excitedly.
"Huh?" Nina and I uttered in unison.
"Come in Des, come in. And call me Kevin." He ushered me through the front doors and into a huge lobby area with stairs arching up both sides to the second level.
"Rachael?!" he called.
A voice answered from somewhere upstairs. "Don't you think we've finished this Kevin. You get right back up here-"
"We have a visitor. Someone you've just got to meet!"
I snuck a glance at Nina. Here eyebrows were wrinkled in annoyance but whether because of me or her father I wasn't sure.
"Just a minute," came the suddenly cheerful voice from above.
"Now kids" - Kevin put his arms around our shoulders - "I'd love to stay and chat, but unfortunately I've got an early tee off."
Respect. Here was a fellow schemer. He was good. Good enough to be financing Lisa? Definitely.
He cocked a finger at me like I was his gunnery buddy, grabbed his car keys from a nearby table and disappeared around one of the many hallways.
"Kevin?" called the approaching voice from above.
I braced myself for round two.