Twenty Nine

'So... you, er...' I did the sexy eye and the cool hip swing.

She slapped my groping hand away. 'No.'

My chest and shoulders sag to normality. I supposed now we were going to have that morning after talk about where we went from here. We didn't.

After I got tired of Lisa telling me not to gawk at her while she showered, I went and checked my blog for comments.

Don't hurt Nina.


Succint. I shrugged and created a new post.

Life's funny sometimes. One day I'm a lonely loser, the next I'm getting it off
with a hot chick with a second woman sniffing around me. Ah, it was only a
matter of time.

But yes, I do feel bad for Mike. But less bad than I
might have done if he hadn't been bashing Lisa. I mean... I know I'm low on the
moral scale, but I wouldn't hit a chick. Not ever. I always figured only total
cowards with no saving graces would be that dumb. And now I find a friend of
mine, I mean Mike is cool...

Anyway, I guess I'm not one to be judging
today. But stuffed if I know what to do now.

I read it over and then published. I flicked the browser shut as Lisa walked in, a towel drooped slackly around her, her hair still dripping water onto her bare shoulders.


Twenty Eight

We stood around sipping our morning drinks in silence. You know you're in trouble when you sip your drink so that it won't run out. Check out the sippers at the next party and then tell me they're not the socially stunted.

'I should be going,' said Lisa.

'No, don't,' I reflexed.

Dad slurped the dregs of his mug. 'I'll go. You two are busy.'

Relief and mild anguish warred inside me. 'Was there something special you wanted?'

Dad looked from me to Lisa and back again. 'Nah.'

'Well...' I wasn't sure whether to try and stop him or not. After all this could have been a breakthrough moment for us, but Lisa might still be up for it - technically we hadn't had breakfast yet. '...if that's what you want.'

Dad chucked his stoneface at me like that would explain something. 'I'll show myself out.'

'That wasn't very nice of you,' said Lisa after Dad left.

'What?' What was I supposed to do?

'He obviously wanted something. What's the deal with you guys anyway? You're like a couple of polar bears stuck on the same iceberg.'

I huffed. That was a pretty impressive analogy - on account of polar bears being anti-social and all that. Lisa was full of surprises, and so far, they were all good. 'Stuffed if I know. He's been weird ever since I got my own opinions.'

Lisa shook her head. 'Men.'

Whatever that meant.